Clinic Closed until April 1st 2020: Phone Consults Available
After much contemplation, in the spirit of trying to "flatten the curve" and keep you safe, I have made the very difficult but appropriate decision to suspend all in-person appointments, effective March 17th until April 1st, 2020.My office will be physically closed...
The Key Ways to Control PMS
When I ask my female patients if they have PMS, they usually jokingly respond, “You should ask my husband!” It is well accepted that women can be more “sensitive” around their menses. But the question is - why? Although PMS is accepted as the “norm” in our society -...
Is Your Metabolism Slowing Down?
“It’s my age! That’s why I can’t seem to lose weight.” Have you heard this before? I sure have! But guess what? It doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re not able to lose weight (even with trying to eat well and maintain active lifestyle) this is often a sign that the...
Your Top 3 “Is This Normal?” Questions Answered
Often it can be hard to decipher what’s normal for our bodies and what’s really a red flag crying out to us. Many of us begin to get certain symptoms, but we suffer through them and then start reaching for the pill that will take away the symptoms. The pill takes away...
Manage those Cravings in 7 Steps
“How do I control my cravings?” I get asked this a lot. And after helping men and women lose weight (and keep it off) for over 12 years, I find that most of us know what we “should” eat (for the most part) but finding out what impedes us from staying on that healthy...
Finding Your Core Values
"Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They should determine your priorities, and, deep down, they're probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to." (From mindtools.com)...
What happens during Stress? What is Cortisol?
When we are stressed initially adrenaline (aka epinephrine) is produced. This triggers an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, increased breathing and sweating. Think “fight or flight” and the old story of the “hunter meeting the tiger” to explain...
Real Ways to Combat Your Autoimmune Disease
Do you or someone you know suffer from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Celiac disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis or Psoriasis and Eczema? If you nodded yes to any of this - then this is so for you! There is a new functional medicine approach to autoimmunity that can be helpful in...
How A Naturopathic Doctor Helps You Stress Less
After receiving an influx of questions from my blog earlier this month - 6 Ways to Stress Less This Fall, I realized just how popular stress is (and not in a good way). So I wanted to make sure to offer you even more concrete action steps to support your adrenals,...
The Customized Health Plan for Turning 50
Turning 40 or 50 this year? Or have you turned these milestone ages recently? As you reflect back on your life, what are you proud of? What do you know has gone well? Take a moment and write it down somewhere or say it aloud. Too often, we are focused on what’s not...
3 Ways Naturopathic Medicine Can Eliminate Your Allergies
Do you suffer from sneezing, runny eyes, itchy nose (and eyes), nasal congestion, or eczema? This is what I like to call the “lovely” reaction many of us experience when the seasons change. If you suffer from psoriasis, skin rashes, IBS or GI symptoms (gas, bloating,...
Anxiety when in Fight or Flight
Anxiety. When we are in fight or flight and anxious, we feel out of control. Earlier this week, I felt myself in this place of stress when dealing with the pandemic. After discussing my feelings with colleagues, I was reminded to return to my core values. I shifted my...
Could Your IBS or Reflux Be Caused By This?
Do you suffer from IBS symptoms - gas, bloating, abdominal pain, belching, diarrhea, constipation or both? On average, 60% of IBS cases are due to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Also know as “SIBO.” Sibo Symptoms 60% is a big number so it’s important to...
The Top 5 Warning Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency
You know how when you’ve spent a day outside, you often feel refreshed - you feel happier, with more energy? This is usually attributed to a good dose of sunshine. But the sun gets a bad wrap (and often rightfully so) because our modern society spends too much time in...
6 Ways to Stressing Less This Fall
As we settle into Fall, there’s always a sense of urgency that seems to arrive. After the relaxed vibe of summer - longer days and warm nights - the changing weather and colors bring us back to our “normal” routine in many ways. When this change happens, I often see...
Taking a Summer Holiday? Read This Before You Pack
You made it to the end of the school year! Go ahead and congratulate yourself. It’s no small thing. And for the next few months, you and your family get to say goodbye to homework, packing lunches, after school pickup and activities - you name it! Many families take...
Are you Tired and Don’t know Why?
Why are you tired and what can be done about it? Did you know your low energy could be tied to what you are eating? You are what you eat! We’ve all heard this saying before AND most of us know a little about what’s healthy and maybe not so healthy for us. What impedes...