Naturopathic Treatments

Together we will demystify your physical symptoms and figure out exactly why you feel so exhausted, burnt out, and super stressed.

It’s all about listening to your body – your unique needs.

You are ready to embrace more energy & balance in your life.

You are ready to align your mind & body to create the best you yet.

I will help you get crystal clear on what works for you – not just the best foods to keep you going for your ever abundant, busy day – but what makes you light up – how to get more of it and keep it.

So, what’s the first step?

A willingness to change and a concrete action plan.

Action plan looks like this:

 A 75-minute, in-depth visit into your health history, lifestyle, habits, and happiness.

The Premium Strategy Session includes two components:

  1. Whole Health Assessment
  2. Customized Naturopathic Treatment Program

Whole Health Assessment – Naturopathic medicine focuses on the whole person. If one system is out of balance, other systems compensate – so how can these systems work together most efficiently?

  • Detailed History: Your health up to this point – diet, vitamins, habits, and emotional + mental joy.
  • Physical exam +Lab work – As needed. Forward most recent labs from My AB Health to assess what other lab work is needed.
  • The Knowledge Component – Educating people on what is happening is motivating- because you ultimately find out what’s going on and why.

Then, a customized Naturopathic Treatment Program is designed for you and your lifestyle:

  • Supplement Regime: Vitamins, minerals and/or homeopathic remedies to fortify and balance your body.
  • Diet: Customized for you! Incorporating quality proteins, important fats, and a colourful dose of fruits + veggies to keep you energized.
  • Self-help techniques + lifestyle changes: Delegating your to-do list, making time for self-care – there are a variety ways to give yourself some important “me” time. This is a key component in your overall wellness.

Premium Strategy Session: $700.00
Premium session done In-Clinic or Virtually online with an in-office 15-20 min 1-2 days after for physical exam. We offer the option of video or phone, depending on your preference.

** Please note: As each Naturopathic Treatment Plan is customized to your individual needs, Dr. Bunzenmeyer ND may or may not recommend all or some of the above pending on your individual needs.

What areas are on fire with potential and what needs a little more care?

Follow-Up Visit (The Next Step): We assess your progress.

  • How are you feeling? Any changes in your health history?
  • What shifts are you beginning to feel/see? This is most often when I remind my clients that the natural way takes time – we are introducing small changes that will, ultimately, help your body flourish and find balance, but this requires a commitment. We see small lasting changes in your lifestyle (sleep, stress management, diet etc.) along with positive shifts in your physical health.
  • Follow-up on lab work (if needed) – a detailed assessment of your lab work, which adds to your overall body awareness and education. It’s critical to understand what your results means for you – not just numbers and one-word answers, but really recognize what’s working in your body and what needs more attention.

Plus, we create a concrete action plan based on what has been working and where we want to make some changes. You will leave seeing the shifts you have made and now moving forward with more clarity of what’s next and how small changes have big impact! We will revise your customized naturopathic plan to help keep moving you forward on your optimal health journey.

The Second Visit (45 Minutes): $275.00
All sessions are now done virtually online. We offer the option of video or phone, depending on your preference.

Every person is different, their lifestyles vary – no two people have the same needs, so each session will be different and customized for you!

Wholistic Strategies are now outlined and you are on your way to fulfilling them after your 1st and 2nd visits. Although you will begin to see change after 1-3 months, lasting change may take up to 12 – 18 months as you build new, healthy habits, be gentler with yourself, and commit to listening to what your body needs.

I will be your coach along the way- building your vision with you; motivating and guiding you, as we move forward – one step at a time!

We will meet consistently every 1-2 months, depending on your needs, to continue on your health journey as we outline in your Wholistic Strategy Session. You will gain even more knowledge of what your body needs to be supported. You will continue to support your body with various supplements – providing empowering nutrients. You will be on your way to being better equipped to manage through stress, have more energy, sounder sleep, and you will continue to make lifestyle changes that will provide a life-changing transformation into a greater you!

On-going care (30-45 min sessions): $225.00
All sessions are now done virtually online. We offer the option of video or phone, depending on your preference.

You have accomplished your goals set out in the Wholistic Strategy Session- you are feeling great, you have incorporated ongoing self-care, and you now know how to support yourself. What’s next?

Health Maintenance: I now know how your body works, and have been thrilled to see all the change and growth for you along the way! Let’s maintain this great state of health with regular check-in sessions – 1-2 times a year. I have seen children and families grow together over my 17 years in practice, and I look forward to being that same confidant for you and your family as you grow, thrive, and create empowering, lasting change in your life.

The beauty of naturopathic medicine is there is no Band-Aid approach. We are always looking at the whole you.

It’s all about listening to your body – your unique needs.

I invite you to slow down, take a step back from our go-to, fast-paced lives, and you will be amazed at what your body is capable of when you allow it to heal, strengthen and refocus.

I’m with you every step of the way, making your wellness transformative, exciting, and achievable.

Your best self – happy, healthy & a zest for all that is possible.

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